“When the pain outweighs the value you get from keeping the secret – when it’s just too painful to do it anymore – that’s when you feel like you have to tell the truth.” Here is a link to an article that interviewed Steven Bloom, President of GAMMA NSW. SBS.COM.AU Article
Peter’s story contains a great many elements familiar to men who come to GAMMA. After twenty years of marriage and bringing up two children, he faced the inevitablity of separation from his wife although they had a good relationship. Now he is finding new directions. Peter’s Story
(Author not attributed) Some gay men marry heterosexual partners because getting married is what we all learned is the ‘right’ thing to do. Our culture is geared toward heterosexual married relationships, and gay people, like their heterosexual brothers, want to fit in and do the right thing. Some Gay men who marry partners of the […]
Drew is another of our GAMMA men. As well as discussing his relations with his siblings, former wife, children and grandchildren, he speaks about the role GAMMA has played in his life. Drew’s Story
Steven is gay and was married. He tells the story of why he went down the path of marriage, how he later came out as a gay man, and about life with his current partner Jason. Steven’s Story
by Peter Kadwell Thousands of men and women in Australia have had to come to terms with the discovery that they are attracted to someone of the same sex. For many, it may be a new discovery or something that they have known for years but felt uncomfortable about openly acknowledging. It can happen at […]