Drew is another of our GAMMA men. As well as discussing his relations with his siblings, former wife, children and grandchildren, he speaks about the role GAMMA has played in his life. Drew’s Story
Steven is gay and was married. He tells the story of why he went down the path of marriage, how he later came out as a gay man, and about life with his current partner Jason. Steven’s Story
After reading this little gem you will never look at a cup of coffee the same way again. A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so difficult. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was […]
Over time, the age of desirability for gay men seems to get younger and younger. The age discrimination and lack of attention older or mature gay men receive is synonymous with the pressure some women feel to get married and have children by a certain age. Today, gay men are coming out at younger ages. […]
by Peter Kadwell Thousands of men and women in Australia have had to come to terms with the discovery that they are attracted to someone of the same sex. For many, it may be a new discovery or something that they have known for years but felt uncomfortable about openly acknowledging. It can happen at […]
Family estrangement is not an uncommon situation, which develops from a number of complex causes, resulting in disagreement, disrespect and loss of affection. Physical estrangement is when all contact – including visits, mail and phone calls – is ceased by one or more family members. Emotional estrangement is when family members maintain some perfunctory contact […]
Researchers at The University of New South Wales, VAC, ACON and GAMMA are seeking volunteer research participants to learn about the experiences of men who are married to women and who have sex with men. This is ground breaking research that is vitally important to men like us. The study aims to explore how men […]
Rugby Star David Pocock Rugby Star David Pocock has firm views on gay rights and gay marriage. At 24, Rugby star David Pocock is an extraordinary young man in many ways. He is part of a family that fled the Mugabe regime, he has been WA’s young Australian of the year, and he has firm […]
As well as meetings, GAMMA operates a phone support line. If you ring us, you will not be talking to a call centre but to a competent trained GAMMA member who has been on similar journey to yourself. Anyone is welcome to call for support, information and referrals. The service has a Freecall number and […]
from a UK site: http://www.ygm.org.uk/home The Internet is useful for getting information, news and support – pretty much anything you need to know is available. Chat rooms can be good to catch up with mates and chat to other men. But the Internet, like any other social place can hold risks. Be careful about how much […]