About Us

What is GAMMA?
For nearly thirty years, GAMMA has been offering support to men who are or have been involved in a long-term heterosexual relationships, and are now coming to terms with their sexual attraction to other men.
The group receives funding from the NSW government as part of their AIDS prevention and safe sex awareness programmes.
- GAMMA meets on the first Wednesdays and third Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm.
- Currently all meetings are via Zoom
- When face-to-face meetings are done, the venue is the ACON building, 414 Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills.
- Meetings usually end between 9:00 and 9:30
The environment is friendly, safe and relaxed. We invite men to feel confident about raising and discussing issues relating to their sexuality.
The meeting facilitators are experienced GAMMA members. Often they’re professionals in the field, who have taken a journey like yours and possess first-hand understanding of what you are going through. There are also guest speakers with specific knowledge on topics such as:
- Family Law: the issues and suggested approaches
- Managing the change with children, families and parenting
- Relationships with former spouses/partners and support networks for wives and families
- Safe Sex education and awareness
- Support Groups, both social and professional
- Financial Planning: making long term responsible decisions
- Managing a Gay lifestyle
Our Home Page always provides details for the next meeting.
A calendar of speakers for the year can be found on the Zoom Meetings Page of this site and also the top right side will list Upcoming Events.
To put your name on our confidential email list and receive information about meetings, contact us at info@gamma.org.au, and enter the words MAILING LIST in the subject box. Or filling in the Subscribe to our mail list form.
GAMMA never requires registration, fees to pay, or obligations to attend meetings or other functions when you put your name on the list.

President - Steven Bloom
Our guiding principles
At GAMMA meetings there are four key guiding principles:
- Confidentiality: The privacy of each of us must be respected by all, therefore confidentiality is of utmost importance.
- Non-judgmental environment: We are here to tell our stories and to listen to yours. We do not tell you what to do or when; we are here to support you in the path you believe is right for you and your situation. We encourage you to be an active participant, but it’s also OK to be a silent observer, particularly if it’s your first meeting.
- Support not therapy: Although many men say their experiences at GAMMA meetings are therapeutic, meetings are nevertheless not therapy sessions. This means that we are here to listen, and share our experiences with each other. It’s through these experiences that we can all glean something that may be helpful to us.
- Non-sexualised environment: Although GAMMA has a social element, its main purpose is to support people going through the process of acknowledging their same sex attraction. It’s important for everyone to feel comfortable, where you’re not worried about being hit on or picked up. It doesn’t mean you won’t make friends or form relationships, but we must stress that providing a supportive, caring, and non-threatening environment for each other is of the utmost importance.
Social Events
Finding new social outlets is often hard for men whose lives have been centred on home and family. To this end, we have a monthly brunch and three or four major events during the year.
When we have organised a new social event, details are listed on the Social Events Page and members are notified via email.